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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 69, Issue 4, pp. 909-1204

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Estimating a Green's Function from “Field-Field” Correlations in a Random Medium

Maarten V. De Hoop and Knut Solna

pp. 909-932

On Stable, Complete, and Singularity-Free Boundary Integral Formulations of Exterior Stokes Flow

O. Gonzalez

pp. 933-958

Multiparasitoid-Host Interactions with Egg-Limited Encounter Rates

Ryusuke Kon and Sebastian J. Schreiber

pp. 959-976

Sensitivity and Robustness in Chemical Reaction Networks

Guy Shinar, Uri Alon, and Martin Feinberg

pp. 977-998

Analysis of Hepatitis C Virus Infection Models with Hepatocyte Homeostasis

Timothy C. Reluga, Harel Dahari, and Alan S. Perelson

pp. 999-1023

The Identification of Thin Dielectric Objects from Far Field or Near Field Scattering Data

Noam Zeev and Fioralba Cakoni

pp. 1024-1042

Modeling, Simulation, and Design for a Customizable Electrodeposition Process

Pradeep Thiyanaratnam, Russel Caflisch, Paulo S. Motta, and Jack W. Judy

pp. 1043-1064

Acoustic Waves in Long Range Random Media

Renaud Marty and Knut Solna

pp. 1065-1083

The Unsteady Flow of a Weakly Compressible Fluid in a Thin Porous Layer I: Two-Dimensional Theory

D. J. Needham, S. Langdon, G. S. Busswell, and J. P. Gilchrist

pp. 1084-1109

Growth Dynamics of Cell Assemblies

Mau-Hsiang Shih and Feng-Sheng Tsai

pp. 1110-1161

The Strongly Confined Schrödinger–Poisson System for the Transport of Electrons in a Nanowire

Naoufel Ben Abdallah, Francois Castella, Fanny Delebecque-Fendt, and Florian Méhats

pp. 1162-1173

Blooming in a Nonlocal, Coupled Phytoplankton-Nutrient Model

A. Zagaris, A. Doelman, N. N. Pham Thi, and B. P. Sommeijer

pp. 1174-1204